Q & A with Alan Schweitzer,
CTO Radiology Consulting Group
Cloud computing, is it just the latest tech buzzword du jour? Or is it here to stay? Whatever it is, it continues to be a hot topic at conferences, and some of the computing industry’s biggest players are moving into it, but what exactly is it? And what does it offer the PACS community if anything? To find out, we talked with Alan Schweitzer, Chief Technology Officer for the Radiology Consulting Group, and the Imaging Business Development Group at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He is an expert in PACS and voice recognition strategic planning, networking and radiology information systems.
Q. What is cloud computing as it pertains to PACS?
A. In my mind it is having the IT infrastructure (hardware and software) at a data center that is not physically co-located where the primary users are. It is typically provided by a third party, so the users don’t own the technology, they rent it.